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Following your procedure, you will be moved to a recovery bay and monitored by a post-operative nurse. Medications for pain relief will be given under the direction of the anesthesiologist. You will remain in recovery until you meet the criteria for discharge.

Recovery time varies from patient to patient, and usually lasts 1 hour. When you are medically ready to be discharged, we will invite your companion to join you in recovery. We will review discharge instructions and give you a written copy to take home.

We will also give you a patient survey to take home and complete. We kindly ask you to return this to us at your earliest convenience. We greatly appreciate your honest feedback as it helps us continue to advance our care.

At Home

While we use shorter acting anesthesia medication, there may be some residual effect for the first 24 hours following surgery. That is why it is important for you to rest for the first 24 hours under the observation of a responsible adult who can follow up on discharge orders and monitor your progress. During that period do not drive a vehicle or make any important decisions. For the length of time that you take any additional oral pain medications, you will continue to feel sedated, even after the anesthesia has worn off. Don’t drink any alcohol as long as you are taking pain medication.

If you experience any complications or adverse side effects, contact your doctor or call 911. We will call to check how you are doing 48 hours after your procedure. Continue to rest until you are fully recovered, following your physician’s instructions for return to routines and activities.